Sümpoosium „Extracellular Vesicles: Small Bags with Potential Impact in Health and Disease” toimub 28. novembril.

The objective of the symposium is to draw attention of the scientists and the researchers to the importance of EV research and the role of this emerging field in physiology and medicine. We have invited a number of prominent scientists that are leaders in EV field to speak about their experiences in this symposium.

We invite you to submit abstracts of your EV related research to be included in the program. Abstracts can be submitted using the online form available on our symposium website https://sisu.ut.ee/transgenoev2017

Important Dates:
Applications open: 4th September
Applications close: 27th October
Application status notification: 10th November

Participation is free of charge, although registration is required. For this please fill in a registration form on the symposium website by 13th of November.

For more information please visit https://sisu.ut.ee/transgenoev2017 or e-mail: oliivika@ut.ee