Biokeemia osakonna publikatsioonid ja patendid


  • Merle Rätsep, Kalle Kilk, Mihkel Zilmer, Liina Kuus, Epp Songisepp. A Novel Bifidobacterium longum ssp. longum Strain with Pleiotropic Effects. Microorganisms, 2024 Jan 15;12(1):174. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms12010174.
  • Carolin Kuuskmäe, Mari-Anne Philips, Kalle Kilk, Liina Haring, Raul Kangro, Indrek Seppo, Mihkel Zilmer, Eero Vasar. Kynurenine pathway dynamics in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders across the disease trajectory. Psychiatry Res, 2023 Oct:328:115423. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115423. Epub 2023 Aug 19.
  • Karl Kuusik, Teele Kasepalu, Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha, Kaido Paapstel, Kalle Kilk, Aune Rehema, Jaak Kals. Effects of RIPC on the Metabolomical Profile during Lower Limb Digital Subtraction Angiography: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Metabolites, 2023 Jul 18;13(7):856. doi: 10.3390/metabo13070856.
  • Liis Ilves, Aigar Ottas, Liisi Raam, Mihkel Zilmer, Tanel Traks, Viljar Jaks, Külli Kingo. Changes in Lipoprotein Particles in the Blood Serum of Patients with Lichen Planus. Metabolites, 2023 Jan 6;13(1):91. doi: 10.3390/metabo13010091.
  • Triin Paabo, Piret Mihkelson, Jelena Beljantseva, Ain Rähni, Signe Täkker, Rando Porosk, Kalle Kilk, Katrin Reimand. Diagnostic performance of automated red cell parameters in predicting bone marrow iron stores. Clin Chem Lab Med, 2023 Oct 2;62(3):442-452. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2023-0772. Print 2024 Feb 26.
  • Ying Xia, Emma Andersson, Sumit K Anand, Emmelie Cansby, Mara Caputo, Sima Kumari, Rando Porosk, Kalle Kilk, Syam Nair, Hanns-Ulrich Marschall, Matthias Blüher, Margit Mahlapuu. Silencing of STE20-type kinase TAOK1 confers protection against hepatocellular lipotoxicity through metabolic rewiring. Hepatol Commun, 2023 Mar 17;7(4):e0037. doi: 10.1097/HC9.0000000000000037. eCollection 2023 Apr 1.
  • Ott Kiens, Egon Taalberg, Viktoria Ivanova, Ketlin Veeväli, Triin Laurits, Ragne Tamm , Aigar Ottas, Kalle Kilk, Ursel Soomets, Alan Altraja. Apnoea-hypopnoea index of 5 events·h-1 as a metabolomic threshold in patients with sleep complaints. ERJ Open Res, 2023 Jan 9;9(1):00325-2022. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00325-2022. eCollection 2023 Jan.
  • Tana Wuyun, Hanna Hõrak, Bin Liu, Eero Talts, Kalle Kilk, Eve Kaurilind, Caihong Li, Lu Zhang, Ülo Niinemets. Impacts of methyl jasmonate on Selaginella martensii: volatiles, transcriptomics, phytohormones, and gas exchange. J Exp Bot, 2023 Feb 5;74(3):889-908. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erac463.
  • Lauri Savolainen, Saima Timpmann, Martin Mooses, Luule Medijainen, Lisette Tõnutare, Frederik Ross, Märt Lellsaar, Anneli Piir, Mihkel Zilmer, Eve Unt, Vahur Ööpik. Vitamin D Supplementation Has No Impact on Cardiorespiratory Fitness, but Improves Inflammatory Status in Vitamin D Deficient Young Men Engaged in Resistance Training. Nutrientsm 2022 Dec 13;14(24):5302. doi: 10.3390/nu14245302.
  • Liis Ilves, Aigar Ottas, Bret Kaldvee, Kristi Abram, Ursel Soomets, Mihkel Zilmer, Viljar Jaks, Külli Kingo. Metabolomic Differences between the Skin and Blood Sera of Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis. Int J Mol Sci, 2022 Oct 27;23(21):13001. doi: 10.3390/ijms232113001.
  • Madis Parksepp, Liina Haring, Kalle Kilk, Egon Taalberg, Raul Kangro, Mihkel Zilmer, Eero Vasar. A Marked Low-Grade Inflammation and a Significant Deterioration in Metabolic Status in First-Episode Schizophrenia: A Five-Year Follow-Up Study. Metabolites, 2022 Oct 17;12(10):983. doi: 10.3390/metabo12100983.
  • Maria Piirsalu, Egon Taalberg, Mohan Jayaram, Kersti Lilleväli, Mihkel Zilmer, Eero Vasar. Impact of a High-Fat Diet on the Metabolomics Profile of 129S6 and C57BL6 Mouse Strains. Int J Mol Sci, 2022 Oct 2;23(19):11682. doi: 10.3390/ijms231911682.
  • Kadri Eerik, Teele Kasepalu, Karl Kuusik, Jaan Eha, Mare Vähi, Kalle Kilk, Mihkel Zilmer, Jaak Kals. Effects of RIPC on the Metabolome in Patients Undergoing Vascular Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Biomolecules, 2022 Sep 16;12(9):1312. doi: 10.3390/biom12091312.
  • Priit Pauklin, Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha, Kaspar Tootsi, Mart Kals, Priit Kampus. Markers of Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Fibrosis in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2022 May 23:2022:4556671. doi: 10.1155/2022/4556671. eCollection 2022.
  • Maria Piirsalu, Keerthana Chithanathan, Mohan Jayaram, Tanel Visnapuu, Kersti Lilleväli, Mihkel Zilmer, Eero Vasar. Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Strain-Specific Differences in Neuroinflammation and MHC-I Pathway Regulation in the Brains of Bl6 and 129Sv Mice. Cells, 2022 Mar 18;11(6):1032. doi: 10.3390/cells11061032.
  • Maria Kaare, Mohan Jayaram, Toomas Jagomäe, Katyayani Singh, Kalle Kilk, Kaie Mikheim, Marko Leevik, Este Leidmaa, Jane Varul, Helis Nõmm, Kristi Rähn, Tanel Visnapuu, Mario Plaas, Kersti Lilleväli, Michael K E Schäfer, Mari-Anne Philips, Eero Vasar. Depression-Associated Negr1 Gene-Deficiency Induces Alterations in the Monoaminergic Neurotransmission Enhancing Time-Dependent Sensitization to Amphetamine in Male Mice. Brain Sci, 2022 Dec 10;12(12):1696. doi: 10.3390/brainsci12121696.
  • Janno Jürgenson, Martin Serg, Priit Kampus, Jaak Kals, Maksim Zagura, Kersti Zilmer, Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha, Eve Unt. Effect of Half-Marathon Running on Arterial Stiffness and Blood Biomarkers in High-Level and Recreational Male Athletes. J Sports Sci Med, 2021 Oct 1;20(4):548-556. doi: 10.52082/jssm.2021.548. eCollection 2021 Dec.
  • Madis Parksepp, Liina Haring, Kalle Kilk, Kadri Koch, Kärt Uppin, Raul Kangro, Mihkel Zilmer, Eero Vasar. The Expanded Endocannabinoid System Contributes to Metabolic and Body Mass Shifts in First-Episode Schizophrenia: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study. Biomedicines, 2022 Jan 24;10(2):243. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10020243.
  • Karl Kuusik, Teele Kasepalu, Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha, Mare Vähi, Liisi Anette Torop, Jüri Lieberg, Jaak Kals. The Role of RIPC in Preventing Organ Damage, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress during Lower Limb DSA: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2021 Dec 8:2021:6043550. doi: 10.1155/2021/6043550. eCollection 2021.
  • Lieberg J, Wanhainen A, Ottas A, Vähi M, Zilmer M, Soomets U, Björck M, Kals J. Metabolomic Profile of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Metabolites. 2021 Aug 22;11(8):555. doi: 10.3390/metabo11080555. PMID: 34436496; PMCID: PMC8401627.
  • Kaare M, Mikheim K, Lilleväli K, Kilk K, Jagomäe T, Leidmaa E, Piirsalu M, Porosk R, Singh K, Reimets R, Taalberg E, Schäfer MKE, Plaas M, Vasar E, Philips MA. High-fat diet induces pre-diabetes and distinct sex-specific metabolic alterations in Negr1-deficient mice. Biomedicines. 2021 Sep 3;9(9):1148. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9091148.
  • Ilves L, Ottas A, Kaldvee B, Abram K, Soomets U, Zilmer M, Jaks V, Kingo K. Metabolomic Analysis of Skin Biopsies from Patients with Atopic Dermatitis Reveals Hallmarks of Inflammation, Disrupted Barrier Function and Oxidative Stress. Acta Derm Venereol. 2021 Feb 24;101(2):adv00407. doi: 10.2340/00015555-3766. PMID: 33585945.
  • Kiens O, Taalberg E, Ivanova V, Veeväli K, Laurits T, Tamm R, Ottas A, Kilk K, Soomets U, Altraja A. The effect of obstructive sleep apnea on peripheral blood amino acid and biogenic amide metabolome at multiple time points overnight. Sci Rep. 2021 May 24;11(1):10811. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-88409-y.
  • Kasepalu T, Kuusik K, Lepner U, Starkopf J, Zilmer M, Eha J, Vähi M, Kals J. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Clinical Study. Remote Ischaemic Preconditioning Reduces Kidney Injury Biomarkers in Patients Undergoing Open Surgical Lower Limb Revascularisation: A Ran-domised Trial. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020 Jan 23;2020:7098505. doi: 10.1155/2020/7098505. eCollection 2020.
  • Teeäär T, Serg M, Paapstel K, Vähi M, Kals J, Cockcroft J, Zilmer M, Eha J, Kampus P. Int J Hypertens. Atenolol's Inferior Ability to Reduce Central vs Peripheral Blood Pressure Can Be Explained by the Combination of Its Heart Rate-Dependent and Heart Rate-Independent Effects. 2020 Apr 26;2020:4259187. doi: 10.1155/2020/4259187. eCollection 2020.
  • Kuusik K, Kepler T, Zilmer M, Eha J, Vähi M, Kals J. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. Effects of Remote Ischaemic Preconditioning on Arterial Stiffness in Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Angiographic Procedures: A Randomised Clinical Trial.2020 Dec;58(6):875-882. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2019.06.004.
  • Tootsi K, Vilba K, Märtson A,Kals J, Paapstel K, Zilmer M. Metabolites. Metabolomic Signature of Amino Acids, Biogenic Amines and Lipids in Blood Serum of Pa-tients with Severe Osteoarthritis.2020, 10, 323; doi:10.3390/metabo10080323.
  • Piirsalu, M, Taalberg, E, Lilleväli, K,Tian, L, Zilmer, M, Vasar, E. Front Pharmacol. Treatment With Lipopolysaccharide Induces Distinct Changes in Metabolite Profile and Body Weight in 129Sv and Bl6 Mouse Strains. 2020 Mar 27;11:371. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00371. eCollection 2020
  • Parksepp, M, Leppik L, Koch K, Uppin K, Kangro R, Haring L, Vasar E, Zilmer M. Metabolomics approach revealed robust changes in amino acid and biogenic amine signatures in patients with schizophrenia in the early course of the disease. Sci. Rep. 2020 Aug 19;10(1):13983. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71014-w.
  • Taalberg E, Kilk K. Mapping metabolite and ICD-10 associations. Metabolites. 2020 May 14;10(5):196. doi: 10.3390/metabo10050196.
    Cansby E, Caputo M, Gao L, Kulkarni NM, Nerstedt A, Ståhlman M, Borén J, Porosk R, Soomets U, Pedrelli M, Parini P, Marschall HU, Nyström J, Howell BW, Mahlapuu M. Depletion of protein kinase STK25 ameliorates renal lipotoxicity and protects against diabetic kidney disease. JCI Insight. 2020 Dec 17;5(24):e140483. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.140483
  • Pohla L, Ottas A, Kaldvee B, Abram K, Soomets U, Zilmer M, Reemann P, Jaks V, Kingo K. Hyperproliferation is the main driver of metabolomic changes in psoriasis lesional skin. Sci Rep. 2020 Feb 20;10(1):3081. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59996-z. PMID: 32080291; PMCID: PMC7033101.
  • Kilk K. Metabolomics horizon scanning for 2020: three actionable challenges. OMICS. 2020 Jan;24(1):51-52. doi: 10.1089/omi.2019.0194. Epub 2019 Dec 13.
  • Asser A, Kõks S, Soomets U, Terasmaa A, Sauk M, Eltermaa M, Piip P, Ubhayasekera K, Bergquist J, Taba P. Acute effects of methcathinone and manganese in mice: A dose response study. Heliyon. 2019 Sep 20;5(9):e02475. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02475. PMID: 31687570; PMCID: PMC6819833.
  • Jürgenson J, Serg M, Kampus P, Kals J, Muda P, Zagura M, Viru M, Zilmer M, Eha J, Unt E. Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology. The effect of pre-seasonal strength training on central hemody-namics and cardiac function in elite powerlifting athletes. 2019, 10 33–41.
    Kairane, C.; Mahlapuu, R.; Porosk, R.; Zilmer, M.; Soomets, U. (2019). The effects of glutathione analogues on Na,K-ATPase activity in the kidneys of the wildtype and the Wfs1 gene mutated mice in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Peptide Science, 223−225.10.17952/35EPS.2018.223.
  • Kilk K. Metabolomics for animal models of rare human diseases: An expert review and lessons learned. OMICS. 2019 Jun;23(6):300-307. doi: 10.1089/omi.2019.0065. Epub 2019 May 23.
  • Ainelo A, Porosk R, Kilk K, Rosendahl S, Remme J, Hõrak R. Toxins (Basel). Pseudomonas putida responds to the toxin GraT by inducing ribosome biogenesis factors and repressing TCA cycle enzymes. 2019 Feb 9;11(2):103. doi: 10.3390/toxins11020103.
  • Kepler T, Kuusik K, Lepner U, Starkopf J, Zilmer M, Eha J, Lieberg J, Vähi M, Kals J (2019) The Effect of Remote Ischaemic Preconditioning on Arterial Stiffness in Patients Undergoing Vascular Surgery: A Randomised Clinical Trial. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. Jun;57(6):868-875. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2018.12.002. Epub 2019 May 22.
  • Balõtšev, Roman; Haring, Liina; Koido, Kati; Leping, Vambola, Kriisa, Kärt; Zilmer, Mihkel; Vasar, Veiko; Piir, Anneli; Lang, Aavo; Vasar, Eero (2019). Antipsychotic treatment is associated with inflammatory and metabolic biomarkers alterations among first-episode psychosis patients: A 7-month follow-up study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13, 1−9.10.1111/eip.12457 [ilmumas].
  • Nõmm, Monika; Porosk, Rando; Pärn, Pille; Kilk, Kalle; Soomets, Ursel; Kõks, Sulev; Jaakma, Ülle (2019). Invitro culture and non-invasive metabolic profiling of single bovine embryos. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 31 (2), 306−314.10.1071/RD17446.
  • Jürgenson J, Serg M, Kampus P, Kals J, Zagura M, Viru M, Zilmer K, Zilmer M, Eha J, Unt E. (2019). Oxidative Stress Parameters and Its Associations With Arterial Stiffness in Competitive Powerlifting Athletes After 12-Week Supervised Strength Training. J Strength Cond Res. 2019 Jul;33(7):1816-1822. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003067.
  • Leppik L, Parksepp M, Janno S, Koido K, Haring L, Vasar E, Zilmer M. (2019) Profiling of lipidomics before and after antipsychotic treatment in first-episode psychosis. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2019 Jan 2. doi: 10.1007/s00406-018-0971-6. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Vanaveski T, Narvik J, Innos J, Philips MA, Ottas A, Plaas M, Haring L, Zilmer M, Vasar E. (2018) Repeated Administration of D-Amphetamine Induces Distinct Alterations in Behavior and Metabolite Levels in 129Sv and Bl6 Mouse Strains. Front Neurosci. 2018 Jun 12; 12:399. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00399. eCollection 2018
  • Paapstel, Kaido; Kals, Jaak; Eha, Jaan; Tootsi, Kaspar; Ottas, Aigar; Piir, Anneli; Jakobson, Meelis; Lieberg, Jüri; Zilmer, Mihkel (2018). Inverse relations of serum phosphatidylcholines and lysophosphatidylcholines with vascular damage and heart rate in patients with atherosclerosis. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 28 (1), 44−52.10.1016/ j.numecd. 2017.07.011.
  • Tootsi, Kaspar; Kals, Jaak; Zilmer, Mihkel; Paapstel, Kaido; Märtson, Aare (2018). Medium- and long-chain acylcarnitines are associated with osteoarthritis severity and arterial stiffness in end-stage osteoarthritis patients: a case-control study. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 21 (6), 1211−1218.10.1111/1756-185X.13251.
  • Eskla KL, Porosk R, Reimets R, Visnapuu T, Vasar E, Hundahl CA, Luuk H. Hypothermia augments stress response in mammalian cells. Free Radic Biol Med. 2018 Jun;121:157-168. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.04.571. Epub 2018 Apr 25. PMID: 29704622.
  • Kilk K, Aug A, Ottas A, Soomets U, Altraja S, Altraja A. Phenotyping of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Based on the Integration of Metabolomes and Clinical Characteristics. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Feb 27;19(3):666. doi: 10.3390/ijms19030666. PMID: 29495451; PMCID: PMC5877527.
  • Leppik, Liisa; Kriisa, Kärt; Koido, Kati; Koch, Kadri; Kajalaid Kärolin; Haring, Liina; Vasar, Eero; Zilmer, Mihkel (2018). Profiling of Amino Acids and Their Derivatives Biogenic Amines Before and After Antipsychotic Treatment in First-Episode Psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 155.10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00155.
  • Teeäär, Tuuli; Serg, Martin; Paapstel, Kaido; Kals, Jaak; Kals, Mart; Zilmer, Mihkel; Eha, Jaan; Kampus, Priit (2018). Heart rate reduction decreases central blood pressure in sick sinus syndrome patients with a permanent cardiac pacemaker. Journal of Human Hypertension, 32 (5), 377−384.
  • Ottas, Aigar; Fishman, Dmytro; Okas, Tiia-Linda; Kingo, Külli; Soomets, Ursel; (2017). The metabolic analysis of psoriasis identifies the associated metabolites while providing computational models for the monitoring of the disease. Archives of Dermatological Research, 309 (7), 519−528.10.1007/s00403-017-1760-1.
  • Porosk, R.; Mahlapuu, R.; Terasmaa, A.; Kilk, K.; Soomets, U. (2017). Glutathione system in Wolfram syndrome 1 deficient mice. Molecular Medicine Reports, 7092−7097.10.3892/ mmr.2017.7419.
  • Porosk, R.; Terasmaa, A.; Mahlapuu, R.; Soomets, U.; Kilk, K. (2017). Metabolomics of the Wolfram Syndrome 1 Gene (Wfs1) Deficient Mice. OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, 21 (2), 721−732.omi.2017.0143.
  • Ottas, Aigar; Fishman, Dmytro; Okas, Tiia-Linda; Püssa, Tõnu; Toomik, Peeter; Märtson, Aare, Kingo, Külli; Soomets, Ursel (2017). Blood serum metabolome of atopic dermatitis: Altered energy cycle and the markers of systemic inflammation. PLoS ONE, 12 (11), 1−14.10. 1371/ journal. pone. 0188580.
  • Kriisa, Kärt; Leppik, Liisa; Balõtšev, Roman; Ottas, Aigar; Soomets, Ursel; Koido, Kati; Volke, Vallo; Innos, Jürgen; Haring, Liina; Vasar, Eero; Zilmer, Mihkel (2017). Profiling of Acylcarnitines in First Episode Psychosis before and after Antipsychotic Treatment. Journal of Proteome Research, 16 (10), 3558−3566.10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00279.
  • Kaspar Tootsi , Aare Märtson, Jaak Kals, Kaido Paapstel, Mihkel Zilmer (2017). Metabolic factors and oxidative stress in osteoarthritis: a case–control study. The Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 77 (7), 520−526.10.1080/00365513.2017.1354255.
  • Paapstel, Kaido; Zilmer, Mihkel; Eha, Jaan; Piir, Anneli; Tootsi, Kaspar; Kals, Jaak. (2016). Association between fibulin-1 and aortic augmentation index in male patients with peripheral arterial disease. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 51, 76−82.
  • Tootsi, Kaspar; Kals, Jaak; Zilmer, Mihkel; Paapstel, Kaido; Märtson, Aare (2016). Severity of Osteoarthritis Is Associated with Increased Arterial Stiffness. International Journal of Rheumatology, 1−7.10.1155/2016/6402963.
  • Paapstel, Kaido; Zilmer, Mihkel; Eha, Jaan; Tootsi, Kaspar; Piir, Anneli; Kals, Jaak (2016). Early biomarkers of renal damage in relation to arterial stiffness and inflammation in male coronary artery disease patients. Kidney & Blood Pressure Research, 41, 488−497.10.1159/000443450.
  • Paapstel, Kaido; Kals, Jaak; Eha, Jaan; Tootsi, Kaspar; Ottas, Aigar; Piir, Anneli; Zilmer, Mihkel (2016). Metabolomic profiles of lipid metabolism, arterial stiffness and hemodynamics in male coronary artery disease patients. IJC Metabolic & Endocrine, 11, 13−18.10.1016/j.ijcme. 2016.05.001.
  • Koido, Kati; Innos, Jürgen; Haring, Liina; Zilmer, Mihkel; Ottas, Aigar; Vasar, Eero (2016). Taurine and Epidermal Growth Factor Belong to the Signature of First-Episode Psychosis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 331−331.10.3389/fnins.2016.00331.
  • Kaldur, Triin; Unt, Eve; Ööpik, Vahur; Zilmer, Mihkel; Eha, Jaan; Paapstel, Kaido; Kals, Jaak (2016). The acute effects of passive heat exposure on arterial stiffness, oxidative stress and inflammation. Medicina (Kaunas), 52, 211−216.
  • Kullisaar, Tiiu; Zilmer, Kersti; Salum, Tiit; Rehema, Aune; Zilmer, Mihkel. (2016). The use of probiotic L. fermentum ME-3 containing Reg'Activ Cholesterol supplement for 4 weeks has a positive influence on blood lipoprotein profiles and inflammatory cytokines: an open-label preliminary study. Nutrition Journal, 93 (15, 1), 93−93.10.1186/s12937-016-0213-6.
  • Tootsi, Kaspar; Kals, Jaak; Zilmer, Mihkel; Paapstel, Kaido; Märtson, Aare. (2016). Severity of osteoarthritis is associated with increased arterial stiffness. International Journal of Rheumatology, 1−7.10.1155/2016/6402963.
  • Asser, Andres; Kõks, Sulev; Snellman, Anniina; Haaparanta-Solin, Merja; Arponen, Eveliina; Grönroos, Tove; Nairismägi, Jaak; Bergquist, Jonas; Soomets, Ursel; Piip, Piret; Eltermaa, Mall; Sauk, Martin; Lindmäe, Hanna; Rinne, Juha O; Taba, Pille (2016). Increased striatal VMAT2 binding in mice after chronic administration of methcathinone and manganese. Brain Research, 1652, 97−102.10.1016/j.brainres.2016.09.034.
  • Estonian Patent nr 05721 (19.08.2014). Isoleeritud mikroorganismide tüved Lactobacillus plantarum MCC1 DSM 23881 ja selle kasutamine. T.Kullisaar , M. Zilmer, E. Tammsaar, A. Veski¬oja, E. Songisepp, K. Zilmer, L. Bobrovski, K. Ehrlich, M. Rät¬sep, M. Punab, M. Vasar, M. Mikelsaar.
  • Patent of Russian Federation no 2486234. Isolated microorganism strain Lactobacillus plantarum INDUCIA DSM 21379 as a probiotic enhancing natural immunity, product and composition comprising said microorganism and use of said microorganism for medicinal preparation enhancing cellular immunity. M. Mikelsaar, E. Songisepp, I. Scmidt, J. Shepetova, P. Hütt, M. Zilmer, K. Truusalu, K. Kilk.
  • Patent of Russian Federation no 2477750. Isolated microorganism strain Lactobacillus plantarum TENSIA DSM 21380 as antimicrobial and antihypertensive probiotic, food poducts and composition comprising said microorganism and use of said microorganism for preparation of antihypertensive medicine and method for suppressing pathogens and non-starter lactobacilli in food product. E. Songisepp, M. Mikelsaar, M. Rätsep, M. Zilmer, P. Hütt, M. Utt, M. K. Zilmer, J. Üksti, S. Kõljalg.
  • Estonian patent EE 04580 (15.02.2006). Mikroorganismi tüvi Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 kui antimikroobne ja antioksüdantne probiootikum, Microorganism strain L. Fermentum ME-3 as a novel antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic. M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullisaar, H. Annuk, E.Songisepp.
  • Patent of Russian Federation No RU 2284354 (26.09,2006). Probiotik, M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullissaar, H. Annuk, E.Songisepp.
  • U.S. Patent No. 7244424 (17.07.2007). Strain of microrganism Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 as a novel antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic. M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullisaar, H. Annuk, E. Songisepp.
  • Estonian Patent No 05340 (13.05.2008). Isoleeritud mikroorganismi tüvi Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia DSM 21380 ja selle kasutamine antimikroobse ja vererõhku alandava probiootikumina ning ravimi valmistamiseks ning toiduaine realiseerimisaja pikendamiseks ja toiduaines kontamineerivate mikroorganismide allasurumiseks, tüve sisaldav toiduaine ja kompositsioon. E.Songisepp, M. Mikelsaar, M. Rätsep, M. Zilmer, P. Hütt, M. Utt, K. Zilmer, J. Üksti, S. Kõljalg.
  • Estonian Patent No 05341 (13.05.2008). Isoleeritud mikroorganismi tüvi Lactobacillus plantarum INDUCIA DSM 21379 kui organism loomulikku kaitsevõimat tõstev probiootik, seda sisaldav toiduaine ja kompositsioon ning mikroorganismi kasutamine rakulist immuunsust tõstva ravimi valmistamiseks. M. Mikelsaar, E. Songisepp, I. Smidt, J. Stsepetova, P. Hütt, M. Zilmer, K. Truusalu, K.Kilk.
  • European Patent EP1401457B1 (01.12.2010). Strain of micro-organism Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 as novel antioxidative probiotic., M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullissaar, H. Annuk, E. Songisepp.
  • European patent No 2288360 B1 (12.05.2009). Isolated microorganism strain Lactobacillus plantarum INDUCIA DSM 21379 as a probiotic that enhances natural immunity and food products and medicinal preparations comprising it. M. Mikelsaar, E. Songisepp, J. Stsepetova, P. Hütt, M. Zilmer, K. Truusalu, K. Kilk.
  • Patent: Cell penetrating peptides; CEPEP AB. Priit Kogerman, Mattias Hällbrink, Margus Pooga, Madis Metsis, Andres Valkna, Anne Meikas, Maria Lindgren, Astrid Gräslund, Claes Göran Östensson, Metka Budihna, Matjaz Zorko, Anna Elmquist, Ursel Soomets, Pontus Lundberg, Peter Järver, Külliki Saar, Samir El-Andaloussi, Kalle Kilk, Ülo Langel; SE20020001863; US20020391788P; 18.06.2002.
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