BSMI seminar „Understanding the exposome“

You are welcome to join with BSMI seminar „Understanding the exposome“ held by Research Fellow Jaanika Kronberg from Institute of Genomics.

The seminar will take place at 13:00 on Wednesday, June 8 in Ravila 19-1006 not in Zoom.

Human health is influenced by environmental factors, such as lifestyle choices, smoking and air quality. Biobanks have contributed to understanding the genetics of diseases but can also be used for studying the environmental component of disease risk. Institute of Genomics is a partner in the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project EXPANSE, which aims to develop tools for understanding the urban exposome and studying cardio-metabolic and pulmonary diseases. I will introduce the project and show initial results from the analysis of existing omics datasets of the Estonian Biobank in the context of the exposome.

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