We opened the late registration until Tuesday, 27th of May, 12.00 p.m. Registration is only for participation as a listener - do not send you abstracts.
Link for registration
What? The first Science Day of the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine. Come and see what the new institute is about and see what people are working on. For science!
When? On the 29th of May, 2014; 9.30 – 21.00
9.30 – Registration
10.00 -17.00 Academic lectures
17.00-21.00 Dinner and poster presentations
Where? Estonian Biocentre OMICUM, Riia 23B, Tartu - http://www.geenivaramu.ee/en
Who? All medical students, master’s students, doctoral students, supervisors, the staff of the Institute of Biomedicine and Translation Medicine and people interested in science
Working language: English
What to expect:
On the behalf of organizing committee,
Alar Aab
20th of May, 2014
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