Dr. Jens K. Habermann peab avaliku loengu „Advancing Research through Biobanking in Europe and beyond – from community engagement to cross-country collaborations“

14. novembril kell 9.00 peab A. Linkbergi auditooriumis (Puusepa 8) avaliku loengu Euroopa biopankade tsentraalse infrastruktuuri BBMRI-ERIC peadirektor professor dr Jens Habermann. Ettekande pealkirjaks on „Advancing Research through Biobanking in Europe and beyond – from community engagement to cross-country collaborations“. Oodatud on kõik huvilised, eriti need arstid ja teadlased, kes biopanganduse erinevate aspektidega kokku on puutunud. Väga oodatud on kuulama ka tudengid. Ettekannet saab jälgida ka Zoomis.

Ettekande lühikokkuvõte
BBMRI-ERIC stands for “Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium” (
). Currently, 23 European countries and the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer constitute with its National Nodes and affiliated biobanks BBMRI-ERIC as a research infrastructure, providing services and connecting biobanks across Europe. BBMRI-ERIC’s mission is to facilitate access to sample and data as well as to biomedical resources to foster science in life science and health, particularly personalized medicine. This is facilitated through services and advancements in the areas of Ethical, Legal and Societal Issues (ELSI), Quality Management (QM), Information Technology (IT), Biobank Development (BBD), Public Affairs (PA), and Outreach, Education & Communications (OEC).

This presentation will highlight BBMRI-ERIC’s (i) access opportunities to over 600 biobanks in our biobank Directory hosting more than 2,500 collections with estimated >100,000,000 samples and associated data, (ii) how this is facilitated by current and prospect IT solutions, (iii) how quality measures are implemented and further developed, (iv) how our ELSI experts across Europe support research and guide on matters ranging from data protection to incidental findings, and (v) how we position our community’s services and research together with our stakeholders and partners in the overall EU research landscape – including common engagements in EU projects - in order to advance and implement personalized medicine. Hereby, the newly started 15 Mio. € EU funded project canSERV will be exemplarily highlighted allowing various opportunities for benefits and interactions within the research community addressing cancer.

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