Topic: research

One of the largest male infertility genetic studies improves molecular diagnostics and personalized management of andrology patients
Approximately one in seven couples face difficulties conceiving a child naturally. Half of these cases are due to male infertility – either caused by the complete absence or low number of mature sperm.
15. April 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Ahto Salumets “Bioinformatics analysis of various aspects in immunology“
On 3 May at 12:15, Ahto Salumets will defend his thesis "Bioinformatics analysis of various aspects in immunology“.
12. April 2024 research
Publications of the RNA Biology Research Group
Publications of the RNA Biology Research Group
02. April 2024 research
European Commission funds research to tackle long-term COVID-19 health impact
1. jaanuaril algas Euroopa Komisjoni projekt POINT, mille raames uuritakse Covid-19 pikaajalist tervisemõju.
22. March 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Fangling Xuan „Regulation of stress response in first episode schizophrenia by monocytes and microglia“
17. mail kaitseb Fangling Xuan doktoritööd „Regulation of stress response in first episode schizophrenia by monocytes and microglia” (,,Stressivastuse reguleerimine skisofreenia esimese episoodi korral monotsüütide ja mikrogliia poolt“).
11. March 2024 research
Publications and patents of the Department of Biochemistry
Biokeemia osakonna publikatsioonid ja patendid
14. February 2024 research
Tartu Science Night!
Come to the Science Night on Friday, February 9th, from 18:00 to 22:00 at Biomeedikum (Ravila 19, Tartu).
17. January 2024 researchfor society
Coping with future pandemics requires a considerate attitude and trust in the government
Imagining a future entirely different from today can be the most effective risk adaptation strategy. At the Scientific Advisory Board’s conference “Viirustega tulevikku” (“To the future with viruses”), a panel of top Estonian scientists and officials discussed what resources and decisions future pandemics require and what trends influence how Estonian society will cope with pandemics in the upcoming decades. The panel discussion “Pandemics in a future society” was moderated by Triin Vihalemm, Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Tartu.
19. December 2023 research
Pärt Peterson was elected as member of the Academy of Sciences in biomedicine
The general assembly of the Estonian Academy of Science selected Pärt Peterson, Professor of Molecular Immunology at the University of Tartu as a member of the academy in the field of biomedicine. 
07. December 2023 research
Vaccine created by University of Tartu researchers to prevent a dangerous tropical disease received approval
Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the world's first vaccine against the chikungunya virus – Ixchiq. The vaccine candidate has been designed and manufactured at the University of Tartu. The human clinical trials were conducted by the biotechnology company Valneva Austria GmbH.
17. November 2023 research