Department of Microbiology


Department of Microbiology belongs to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu and is the only institution in Estonia that offers all-level education in medical microbiology and virology and is involved in several research projects in this area. The main aim of the department is a research-based teaching at all levels of medical education.


Main tasks of the Department of Microbiology

  • Undergraduate teaching of medical microbiology and virology for students of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy
  • Teaching of master and PhD degree students in medical microbiology, virology and infectious diseases
  • Providing continuous medical education for practicing physicians in medical microbiology and virology 
  • Development and implementation of new technologies of microbiology and virology; knowledge transfer from laboratory to clinic
  • Co-ordination and application of research projects in medical microbiology/virology 
  • Education of general public in the field of prevention of infectious diseases
  • Research co-operation with hospitals, other departments of the university and with international research organisations in conducting high level research in medical microbiology and virology

A total of 11 staff members have PhD degree and two have master degree in medicine. As of in December 2008 there are 9 PhD and 2 master degree students.

Each year there are at least one PhD and one master degree thesis defended; at least 10 ISI Web Knowledge cited articles published and more than 15 poster- or oral presentations presented at international meetings. 

Department of Microbiology has close connections with other departments of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu, with several clinics of Tartu University Hospital and with other Estonian hospitals such as West Tallinn Central Hospital, East Viru Hospital and Narva Hospital. We also co-operatate with small enterprises like AS Tere, AS Maag and with the Institute of Technology of the University of Tartu.


Publications and patents

Teaching and supersivising

Doctoral theses

Human Microbiota Biobank