Teaching and supervising of the Chair of Human Genetics

Obligatory subjects

ARMP.01.026 Human Molecular and Clinical Genetics (6 ECTS)
Audience: medical students, 3th year
The course provides basic knowledge in human and medical genetics and an overview of the clinical genetics field.
The course covers genetics of monogenic and chromosomal diseases; developmental genetics; genetics of multifactorial diseases and cancer; broader role and special features of genetics in medicine; molecular diagnostics and screening programmes of genetic diseases, basis of gene therapy; state-of-the art overview of the clinical genetics applications and interactions with other medical disciplines.
Lecturers: Maris Laan (responsible), Katrin Õunap, Laura Kasak, Triin Kikas, Rain Inno, Triin Laisk, Tiina Kahre, Kai Muru, Piret Laidre, Tiia Reimand, Sander Pajusalu

ARMP.01.024 Medical genetics (2 CTS)
Audience: dentistry students, 4th year
The aims of the course is to learn the basic concepts in medical genetics, as well as current and novel implications of genetic data and testing in medicine. A special focus is on the genetics of dental disorders, and implications to stomatology and dentristry.
The course aims to improve the competence in synthesizing the obtained knowledge and positioning the data into a wider context through interactive learning methods - joint discussions on the course materials and a seminar on recent key publications in the field, as well as practical course using medical genetic databases.
Lecturers: Maris Laan (responsible), Rain Inno, Laura Kasak, Triin Kikas

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