Teaching of the RNA Biology Research Group


Obligatory subjects

ARMP.01.030 Genetics (3 ECTS)
The aims of the course is to learn the basic concepts in human and medical genetics, as well as current and novel implications of genetic data and testing in medicine. A special focus is on pharmacogenetics and its perspective developments. The course aims to learn to reach a competence in synthesizing the obtained knowledge in medical genetics and positioning the data into a wider context through interactive learning methods - joint discussions on the couse materials read for the homework, practical course on human genetic databases along with the presentation of the outcome of tasks, as well as a seminar on recent key publications in the field at the end of the course.
Lecturers: Ana Rebane (responsible)


AR00.00.100 Research work for students (2 ECTS)
The aims of the course is to introduce the basis of medical sciences and to give an overview of the main research projects in the Faculty of Medicine. In addition, the course provides basic skills how to find and process scientific information
Õppejõud: Ana Rebane (vastutav)