BSL laboratories in Maarjamõisa field


1. Biomedicum, third floor BSL2 laboratory

  • Ravila 19, third floor, right wing, room 3028 
  • Contact: Allen Kaasik (
  • It is equipped with a class II laminar hood, Co2 incubator, centrifuge, vacuum aspiration system.
    The autoclave is localized nearby.
  • The Estonian Health Board's license currently covers:
    - the work with lentiviral vectors,
    - AAV vectors,
    - patient fibroblasts and blood,
    - immortalized cell lines


2. Biomedicum, first floor BSL2 laboratory

  • Ravila 19, first floor, left wing, room 1034
  • Contact: Kai Kisand (
  • The laboratory is specifically for blood samples including the blood samples containing SARS-CoV-2


3. SIME BSL2 laboratory

  • Ravila 14b, first floor. rooms 121 and 122
  • Contact: Ana Rebane (
  • The Estonian Health Board's license currently covers:
    - to work Herpes Simplex Virus HSV1,
    - with Rhinoviruses RV1B and RV A16.


4. SIME ABSL3 laboratory

  • Ravila 14b, Laboratory Animal Centre second. floor, rooms 234 and 222
  • Contact: Mario Plaas (
  • The Estonian Health Board's license currently covers:
    to work with adenoviral vectors Ad8 and Ad9,
    - with lentiviral vectors in vivo.


5. SIME ABSL2 laboratory

  • Ravila 14B, first floor, the laboratory has separate entry and is run by Institute of Technology. 
  • Contact: Liane Viru (
  • They offer wide range of BSL2 and BSL3 level services from cell culture to animal work. 
  • More information is available in their homepage.


6. TÜTI BSL2 laboratory

  • Nooruse 1, fifth floor
  • Contact: Kaido Kurrikoff (
  • The Estonian Health Board's license currently covers:
    - to work with SAR-Cov2 and many other pathogens


Moodle course of working in BSL laboratory

Aim of the course: 

  1. give a general overview of laboratory biosafety,
  2. introduce the requirements of BSL laboratories and pathogens that require the use of BSL laboratories,
  3. give the attendees the theoretical and practical knowledge of how to work in BSL2 labs. 

The course is also a prerequisite to getting approval from the Estonian Health Board to work independently in BSL2 labs

Structure of the course: 

  1. Legislation Individual work
  2. General Principles
  3. Specific pathogens
  4. Self-education

Testing quiz
2 EAP, certification
Practical training in BSL2 lab