Teaching and supervising of the Department of Microbiology


The Department of Microbiology teaches medical microbiology to all students of medical faculty.

In addition to the mandatory courses, we offer several elective courses each year, including Microbiology of genital tract infections, Microbiota and health.

We offer refresher courses for physicians each year on clinical microbiology and human microbial ecology.

We have created textbooks and study materials on microbiology in Estonian

  • Lutsar I, Mändar R, Mikelsaar M, Karki T, Brilene T, Kõljalg S, Meriste S, Sepp E, Avi R, Truusalu K, Parm Ü. Meditsiiniline mikrobioloogia: üldmikrobioloogia. Tartu, 2017.

  • Lutsar I, Mikelsaar M, Karki T. Meditsiiniline mikrobioloogia II. Tartu, 2007.

In addition to paper textbooks and manuals, we have created several e-courses in the Moodle environment and nine e-learning objects in the DSpace.


We supervise students at all levels, from basic education to doctoral studies. Students and MSc students are welcome to join our research groups. The best students will have the opportunity to present their research results at conferences. In case of interest, write to Imbi Smidt (imbi.smidt@ut.ee)

Doctoral studies

Every year, 1-3 new researchers defend their doctoral dissertations in the Department of Microbiology. Defended doctoral theses are listed here.

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