On November 10 at 09:15 Mariann Koel will defend her doctoral thesis “The molecular interactions between trophoblast and endometrial cells in embryo implantation” on Cell Biology.
On December 15th Ling Yan will defend a thesis "Stress-associated immune mechanisms of schizophrenia: the importance of region-specific microglia-neurovascular interaction".
On 7 September Kertu Liis Krigul, Jürgen Karvak and Kristo Raun will explain why it is worthwhile for young researchers to participate in the competition
Esmaspäeval, 11. septembril algusega kl 13.00 toimub Tartu Ülikooli aulas digitaalse bioinseneeria keskuse ning personaalmeditsiini teadus- ja arenduskeskuse avaüritus.
On August 30 at 10.30, Associate Professor Yannick Stephan from the University of Montpellier (France) will give a lecture on “Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging” as part of the “Between the Ears” lecture series.
31. augustil kaitseb Qurat Ul Ain Reshi doktoritööd "Characterization of the maternal reproductive tract and spermatozoa communication during periconception period via extracellular vesicles".