Tartu Science Night

Tartu Science Night 2024
Zhanel Khazhmuratova

On Friday 9th March, almost 100 visitors of all ages were welcomed to the Biomedical facility for the second Tartu Science Night.

Visitors had the opportunity to extract DNA, view developing mouse brain, view new neurons in brain, learn about the dangers of obesity and also the drug cannabis and how addiction affects the brain. Visitors were also invited to learn how the brain processes the world through vision, why skin is used in research on brain diseases and how neuronal communication can be examined in a dish. Many visitors chose to take part in a survey on public understanding of science*.

“It was a wonderful evening”, said Dr Hickey, organiser of the event, “We were delighted to welcome the people of Tartu to our laboratories to see what we do”. “We hope to make this an annual event, as we can see from our visitors that there is a real desire to learn about our work and to understand what we do. Thank you to all of our visitors.”

There were several competitions throughout the night. “The standard was very high, but our judges have picked the winners and we will be very happy to announce them on 19th Feb,” said Dr Hickey.

Did you visit the event? What did you think?

Eng: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FFH5KB3

* Approved Tartu University Ethics Committee 384/T-10

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