Minister Sikkut met representatives of the Faculty of Medicine

On 13 November, the Minister of Health and Labour Riina Sikkut met the dean and vice deans of the UT Faculty of Medicine to discuss issues related to medical education and research.

At the meeting, the dean and vice deans gave an overview of the topical issues and main problems of the faculty and, in particular, pointed to the fact that the Research, Development and Innovation Strategy for the Estonian Health System was prepared nearly four years ago, but its objectives still remain unimplemented.

The faculty has repeatedly drawn the ministry’s attention to the insufficient funding of medicine, and made a proposal that a special fund be created at the Ministry of Social Affairs for health research studies. The participants emphasised that it was high time to start implementing the strategy.

Other topics discussed at the meeting included the evaluation of doctors coming from third countries, the value of doctoral degrees in Estonia, residency issues, incl. part-time residency in certain specialisations, cooperation of Estonian Health Insurance Fund and UT in compiling treatment guides and quality indicators, the Clinical Research Centre and its unit for digital health development, the networking of Estonian hospitals, and the cooperation between the Faculty of Medicine and hospitals.

Further information:
Margus Lember
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
5331 8600, 731 8600