Külli Kingo Head of Clinic, Professor in Dermatology and Venereology 0.5 p dr. med. +372 731 9706 kylli.kingo@ut.ee
Kristi Abram Associate Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases 0.75 p dr. med. +372 731 9724 kristi.abram@ut.ee
Liisi Raam Lecturer of Dermatovenereology 0.4 p PhD (Medicine) +372 731 9712,+372 731 9720 r A3045 liisi.raam@ut.ee
Tanel Traks Research Fellow in Dermatovenereology 0.5 p MSc (Biomedicine) Ravila 19 tanel.traks@ut.ee CV in Research Information System Competence: Counselling issues related to biobanking – storage of samples, databases etc.
Helgi Silm Specialist of Dermatology and Venereology 0.75 p cand (Medicine) +372 731 9700 Raja 31-A2064 helgi.silm@ut.ee
Imbi Jaks Secretary 0.75 p MBA (Business Administration (Financial Management)) Raja 31-A2066 imbi.jaks@ut.ee
CV in Research Information System
Competence: Counselling issues related to biobanking – storage of samples, databases etc.