Join hackathon devoted to find innovative solutions in the fields of bioeconomy, biotechnology and biomedicine

An international hackathon devoted to finding innovative solutions in the fields of bioeconomy, biotechnology and biomedicine will take place on 27th-28th of April 2018 in SPARK (Narva mnt. 3, Tartu, Estonia) a HUB of the start-up community in Southern Estonia.

We invite students, researchers, scientist-entrepreneurs and early-stage start-ups in the fields of bio-economy, life-sciences, medicine, IT and marketers, project managers, designers, entrepreneurs & all other people with bright ideas from the Baltic Sea Region and all over Europe to: 

  • COME UP with innovative ideas and solutions; 
  • DEVELOP and TEST the ideas in teams with the assistance of experienced mentors;
  • PITCH the ideas to an intenational jury audience of peers, industry, accelerators and potential investors.

There are prizes for best teams and ideas!

The areas, where we await your ideas and solutions are:

  • Circular bioeconomy (e.g. bio-based consumer goods, textiles, wood, energy, waste upgrading, ...);
  • Future Food;
  • Biobanks, Big Data and Internet of Things in bioeconomy and medicine;
  • Challenges in healthy living, active ageing and improvement of healthcare;
  • Let your imagination fly! 

The participation is for FREE, please register before 23rd of April, 2018 at

More information about the event available at our webpage


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