Almost a hundred research papers will be presented at the events dedicated to the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu celebrates its 388th anniversary on October 15th-16th. Starting from today, e-poster presentations can be viewed online.

Scientific conference

For the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine, a traditional abstract book has been put together, which covers the results of almost a hundred research projects throughout the year. On October 15th, the research papers included in the abstract book will be presented at a scientific conference, where researchers, students, residents and doctors give oral presentations and present e-posters about their work.

Awards ceremony

The best presentations of the scientific conference will be recognised and scholarships and medals of the Faculty of Medicine awarded at the ceremony on October 16th, where Jyrki Tapio Heinämäki, Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology at the Institute of Pharmacy, will give an academic lecture on pharmaceutical nanotechnology.

More information about the programme, the prizes awarded and the committee of scientific conference can be found on the faculty website.

Kristina Hermann
Tartu Ülikooli meditsiiniteaduste valdkonna kommunikatsioonispetsialist
737 5329, 5342 2045
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