12 female researchers from the Faculty of Medicine being added to AcademiaNet

Estonian Research Council submitted the names of 80 Estonian researchers to the portal of leading female researchers, AcademiaNet, including 12 members of the Faculty of Medicine.

The prestigious portal, which supports the visibility of female researchers and international cooperation, is used for finding conference speakers, project partners and external experts. Internationally as well as in Estonia, a gender imbalance can often be seen for example in various panel discussions – women are often under-represented or missing altogether. AcademiaNet offers the excellent opportunity of searching for researchers by filtering them based on research fields and location to facilitate finding experts located in the desired area. The portal gives information on each researcher’s career path, area of specialisation, publications, main projects, research interests, etc.

The top Estonian female researchers are entered into the portal only via a nomination by the Estonian Research Council. Nominations were based on the success of the researchers’ applications for national research grants, but the Council also cooperated with all positively evaluated R&D institutions who could suggest their own nominees. Researchers on AcademiaNet must have exemplary academic qualifications and experience as a leader of an independent research group. Starting from 2018, the Research Council has previously submitted 16 Estonian female researchers to the portal and plans to continue nominating them also in following years.

The Faculty of Medicine researchers nominated to the AcademiaNet portal in April 2020:

Institute of Clinical Medicine

  • Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Helle Karro
  • Professor in Dermatology and Venereology Külli Kingo
  • Senior Research Fellow in Internal Medicine Kaja Põlluste
  • Professor in Neurology Pille Taba
  • Associate Professor of Paediatrics Heili Varendi
  • Professor of Clinical Genetics Katrin Õunap
  • Associate Professor of Paediatric Neuropsychology Anneli Kolk

Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine

  • Research Professor of Cellural Immunology Kai Kisand
  • Professor of Medical Microbial Ecology Reet Mändar
  • Professor of Molecular Medicine Ana Rebane

Institute of Pharmacy

  • Senior Research Fellow in Pharmacy, Associate Professor Karin Kogermann

Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health

  • Professor of Epidemiology Anneli Uusküla