Chair of the Old Testament and Semitic Studies

Ülikooli 18 - 309
50090 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
Urmas Nõmmik
Urmas Nõmmik
Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Studies
+372 737 5962
+372 503 6326
Ülikooli 18-309

Research interests:

  • form history of the Ancient Hebrew and West Semitic literature (wisdom, psalms, prophetic literature, narratives),
  • history of traditions and religion of Ancient Israel in the first and second temple periods,
  • exegesis, hermeneutics and theology of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible,
  • literary, form and reception history of the Book of Job.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Amar Annus
Amar Annus
Associate Professor of Near Eastern Religions
Ülikooli 18-309

Research interests:

  • Semitic philology,
  • folkloristics,
  • the comparative study of ancient narratives,
  • the ideological and cultural aspects of ancient Near Eastern societies, 
  • anthropology,
  • evolutionary psychology,
  • cognitive science of religion, which approaches he aspires to apply alongside with traditional philology in the study of historical texts,
  • cognitive historiography.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information system

Anu Põldsam
Anu Põldsam
Lecturer in Jewish Studies
PhD (Theology)
Ülikooli 18-309

Research interests:

  • history of Jewish ideas and identity and Jewish ethics,
  • religion in modern-day Israel,
  • history of Jewish ideas in 19th century,
  • religious and cultural life of the Estonian Jewish community in the first half of the 20th century,
  • reception history of the biblical book of Job in early rabbinic literature.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Sander Tulk
Sander Tulk
Junior Research Fellow in Theology
Ülikooli 18-309A

Research interests:

  • exegesis, hermeneutics, and theology of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible,
  • the development, form, and interpretation history of the Books of Jonah and Joel,
  • the influence of linguistic and literary studies methods on reading Old Testament narratives.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Kristin Klaus
Junior Research Fellow in Religious Studies 0.5 p
MA (Classical Philology)
Ülikooli 18-309A

Research interests:

  • classical philology (Ancient Greek and Latin),
  • the style and poetry of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (Septuagint),
  • Old Greek Job.
CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System