Research Days of the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine

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The Research Days of the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine took place on January 30–31, 2025.

Guest lectures and the Institute's research groups presented overview of their latest studies. The program also included a panel discussion on "Science and business" and the presentation of the e-textbook "Immunology". The working language was English.

Printable program is here.


Thursday, January 30

08:30–09:00 Registration
09:00–09:05 Opening wordsPärt Peterson
Professor, Head of the Institute
Session I
moderated by Karlis Pleiko
09:05–09:35 Mending the broken heart: nanomedicines for targeting the myocardial infarctionHélder Almeida Santos
Visiting Professor, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine/Professor, University of Groningen (Germany)
09:35–10:05 Endometrium and embryo in conceptionAndres Salumets
Professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine/Institute of Genomics
10:05–10:35 From ER calcium handling to mitophagy: pathways to neuronal health restorationAllen Kaasik
Professor, Department of Pharmacology
10:35–11:05 Coffee break
Session II
moderated by Maarja Laos
11:05–11:35 Introns: from nature to designKärt Tomberg
CEO and Co-Founder of ExpressionEdits (UK)
11:35–12:05 CAR-T cell therapy – the ultimate personalized cancer treatmentTanel Mahlakõiv
Director of Translational Research, Icosagen Cell Factory
12:05–12:25 Application of metagenomic DNA analysis in food safety – honey DNA test exampleKaarel Krjutškov
Associate Professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine
12:25–13:10 Lunch
Session III
moderated by Rain Inno
13:10–13:30 Psychiatric disorder – associated Negr1 gene deficiency induces alterations in glutamate signaling and the kynurenine pathwayCarolin Kuuskmäe
PhD student/Junior Research Fellow, Department of Physiology
13:30–13:50 Chronic stress induced behavioral and metabolomic changes in Negr1 deficient miceMohan Jayaram
Research Fellow, Department of Physiology
13:50–14:10 Neuronal and microglial roles of miR-146 familyKeerthana Chithanathan
PhD student/Specialist, Department of Pharmacology/Department of Biomedicine, RNA Biology Research Group
14:10–14:30 Hereditary cancer – linked germline variants are significantly enriched in infertile men Anu Valkna
PhD student/Junior Research Fellow, Department of Biomedicine, Chair of Human Genetics
14:30–14:50 Child stool bacteriome: links to maternal gestational diabetesKristi Alnek
PhD student/Junior Research Fellow, Department of Immunology
14:50–15:20 Coffee break
15:20–16:30 Panel "Science and business"
moderated by Tambet Teesalu
Hélder Almeida Santos, Alireza Fazeli, Andres Salumets, Tanel Mahlakõiv

Friday, January 31

Session IV
moderated by Pavel Kudrin
09:00–09:30From provider to patient, from one-size to personalized: the future of cervical cancer prevention Anneli Uusküla
Professor, Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health
09:30–10:00Intestinal helminth infection promotes dissemination of Th2 cells with Th1 features to distal barrier sitesEgon Urgard
Postdoc, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
10:00–10:20 Human microbiota – what, why, how?Reet Mändar
Professor, Department of Microbiology
10:2010:50 Coffee break
Session V
moderated by Martin Pook
10:50–11:20Development of the cerebellum through an evolutionary lensMari Sepp
Postdoctoral researcher, Center for Molecular Biology of Heidelberg University (Germany)
11:20–11:50 Intestinal stem cells in development and disease Martti Maimets
Senior scientist, NNF Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW), University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
12:00–12v20 The future of extracellular vesicles: lessons learned and opportunities ahead Alireza Fazeli
Professor, Department of Pathophysiology, University of Tartu/Professor, Estonian University of Life Sciences
12:25–13:10 Lunch
Session VI
moderated by Luca Marchetti
13:05–13:25 Protective effects of remote ischaemic preconditioning in lower extremity artery diseaseKarl Kuusik
PhD student, Department of Biochemistry
13:25–13:45 Fecal microbiome predicts treatment response after the initiation of semaglutide or empagliflozin uptakeAnnabel Klemets
PhD student/Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Genomics
13:45–14:05Immunohistochemical evaluation of LGR5, CD71, CD138 and CXCR3 markers in the small bowel mucosa of participants with celiac disease and persons with normal bowel mucosaTamara Vorobjova
Associate Professor, Department of Immunology
14:05–14:25Flipped classroom method in teaching histologyPiret Hussar
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy
14:25–14:55 Coffee break
Session VII
moderated by Uku Haljasorg
14:55–15:15 Viruses in health and diseaseKristi Huik
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology
15:15–15:35 Blood-brain barrier penetrating peptide CerepepKristina Põšnograjeva
PhD student/Junior Research Fellow, Department of Biomedicine, Laboratory of Precision and Nanomedicine
15:35–15:55 Sero venientibus ossaEero Vasar
Professor, Department of Physiology
15:55–16:15 Presentation of the e-textbook "Immunoloogia"Raivo Uibo
Professor, Department of Immunology
16:15–16:20 Concluding words

Research Days

Estonian Doctoral School for Medical and Health Sciences, Veterinary Medicine.
The event is supported by the Estonian Doctoral School (2021-2027.4.04.24-0003), co-funded by the European Union.

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