ABC7 summer school "Autoimmunity, B cells and Complement"


You are most welcome to attend the ABC7: Autoimmunity, B cells and Complement summer school organised by EIAS, EFIS, and NCC. The summer school will be held at the Sokos Hotel Viru conference centre in Tallinn, Estonia, on June 14-16, 2023. This is already the seventh international ABC meeting.

The target groups of the summer course are PhD students, medical residents and their supervisors. Attendees will hear presentations by renowned scientists on the immune system's cutting-edge findings in the fields of autoimmunity, B cells, and the complement system, starting with the keynote lecture from prof. Burkhard Becher. Young scientists will have the opportunity to present their work in oral and poster presentations, and participate in a career development workshop.

Abstract submission is open until March 31st. Registration for the meeting will be open until June 1st. For more information, please visit the ABC7 website .

Dates to remember:
March 31st, 2023: Abstract submission deadline

March 31st, 2023: EFIS grant application deadline

June 1st, 2023: Final registration deadline

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