Kuldar Taveter Head of Chair, Professor in Information Systems, Programme Director for Conversion Master in IT PhD r 3005 kuldar.taveter@ut.ee
Raimundas Matulevicius Professor of Information Security, Programme Director for Cybersecurity master PhD (Computer Science) +372 737 5421 r 3055 raimundas.matulevicius@ut.ee
Dietmar Alfred Paul Kurt Pfahl Professor of Software Engineering, Programme Director for Software Engineering master PhD +372 737 5432 r 3007 dietmar.pfahl@ut.ee
Marlon Gerardo Dumas Menjivar Professor of Information Systems PhD (Computer Science) +372 737 5473 r 3004 marlon.dumas@ut.ee
Eduard Ševtšenko Associate Professor of Information Systems 0.5 p PhD (Product Development and Production Engineering) r 3013 eduard.sevtsenko@ut.ee
Fredrik Payman Milani Associate Professor of Information Systems 0.55 p PhD (Computer Science) r 3011 fredrik.milani@ut.ee
Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel Lecturer of Computer Graphics PhD (Computer Science) r 2007 raimond.tunnel@ut.ee
Marinos Georgiadis Lecturer of Software Engineering PhD (Computer Science) r 3065 marinos.georgiades@ut.ee
Abasi-Amefon Obot Affia-Jomants Lecturer of Information Security 0.25 p PhD r 3053 amefon.affia@ut.ee
Jaanus Jaggo Junior Lecturer of Computer Graphics 0.75 p MSc (Computer Science) r 2007 jaanus.jaggo@ut.ee
Mark Muhhin Junior Lecturer of Computer Graphics MA (Teacher of Mathematics and Informatics) r 2007 mark.muhhin@ut.ee
Orlenys López Pintado Research Fellow in Information Systems PhD (Computer Science) r 3003 orlenys.lopez.pintado@ut.ee
Vjatšeslav Antipenko Junior Research Fellow of Information Security MSc (Business Information Technology) r 3003 vjatseslav.antipenko@ut.ee
Uku Kangur Junior Research Fellow in Information Systems MSc (Computer Science) +372 5551 9115 r 3117 uku.kangur@ut.ee
Syazwanie Filzah Binti Zulkifli - Junior Research Fellow of Information Systems 0.55 p MSc r 3006 syazwanie.filzah.binti.zulkifli@ut.ee
Maj-Annika Tammisto Junior Research Fellow in Software Engineering MSc r 3007 maj-annika.tammisto@ut.ee
Mariia Bakhtina Junior Research Fellow in Information Security 0.75 p MA r 3053 mariia.bakhtina@ut.ee
Anti Alman Junior Research Fellow in Information Systems 0.75 p MSc (Computer Science) r 3003 anti.alman@ut.ee
Maksym Avramenko Junior Research Fellow in Information Systems MSc (Software Engineering) maksym.avramenko@ut.ee
Ali Ihsan Güllü Junior Research Fellow in Software Engineering MSc (Defence Electronics Engineering) ali.ihsan.gullu@ut.ee
Mari Seeba Information Security Specialist 0.5 p MSc (Conversion Master in IT) r 3010 mari.seeba@ut.ee
Tahira Iqbal Junior Research Fellow of Information Systems (employment contract suspended) MSc (Software Engineering)